Wall Pilates: Our Top 5 Favourite Exercises
You heard it right. Wall Pilates! If you’ve been scrolling on TikTok lately, it's been getting quite popular.
So what is it? It's basically traditional Pilates and you use a wall as a prop to add resistance, support, and alignment.
What’s it best at? It's great for targeting those tricky spots and helping with balance.
Hmm, and does it work? Totally! The wall acts like a friend, giving you feedback on your form. And what do we know about form? It is key for getting the most out of your moves!
“The wall can give you a challenge by providing resistance or make a move easier by supporting you. So, whether you’re a newbie or a Pilates pro, the wall can be your bestie in your workout.”
Wall Pilates a fabulous option for those looking to switch up their routine. And many say they see improvements in their posture, core strength, and overall muscle tone pretty quickly. But, as always, the magic word is consistency. You can’t get overnight results. You have to stick with it.
We’ve picked one of our top five favourite best wall pilates exercises for you to add them to your next workout. Let’s dive in.
1. Wall Roll-Down
Stand with your back against the wall, feet a bit forward. Slowly roll down, peeling your spine off the wall, until you're bending over with your hands toward the floor. Then roll back up.
It's like giving your back a lovely stretch and saying 'hello' to those abs. Control the movement slowly. Inhale when going down and exhale on when going up.
Reps: 6 roll-down (beginner) / 10-15 (advanced)
Sets: 3
2. Wall Squat
It's like sitting in an invisible chair. Keep your backs against the wall, feet out in front, slide down into a squat. Hold it there like you're chilling and reading a text (well, try to chill at least). It'll light up those thighs and bum in no time. Aim for 10-15 seconds if you are new and 30 to 60 if you are a pro.
If you want a bigger challenge, you can squat deeper and move your legs a bit forward. If it’s too hard, sit in a 45 degree angle rather than going full 90 degree.
Reps: 10-15 sec hold (beginner) / 30-60 (advanced)
Sets: 3
3. Leg Circles
Lie on the floor sideways to the wall with your legs up against it, making an 'L' shape with your body. Circle one leg around, like you're drawing on the wall with your toes. Switch legs after. It’s like your legs are wands, and you’re casting spells for stronger hips and thighs.
A set counts once you have done both legs. If you have any pain in the hip area, keep your legs a bit lower when doing the circle so you don’t put pressure.
Reps: 6 leg circles (beginner) / 10 - 12 (advanced)
Sets: 3 (both legs = 1 set)
4. Wall Push-Ups
Face the wall, hands on it, like you're about to push the wall away. Bend your elbows (keep them slightly close to your body) and lean in, then push back.
It's like a high-five that works out your arms and chest. Keep your legs straight if you are a beginner, and for more of a challenge, ensure there is a 45 degree angle (move your legs behind a bit).
Do: 6-10 reps (beginner) / 12-20 reps (advanced)
Sets: 3
5. Standing Leg Press
Face away from the wall, hands against it, like you're telling it a secret. Lift one leg and press it back against the wall, then bring it back in. It's stealthy work for your back and the back of your legs.
Make sure you squeeze those glutes when pushing with your leg. This will lower the pressure on your lower back. Keep your leg at 45 degrees or straight (as a modifier to make things easier)
Reps: 6 reps each leg (beginner) / 15-20 (advanced)
Sets: 3 (both legs = 1 set)
And there you have it, your starter pack to Wall Pilates with top five awesome exercises to get you going. Remember, the best fitness journey is the one you actually enjoy. So, why not make your wall more than just a part of your home decor? Let it be your partner in shaping up and tuning in to your body.
In the meantime, you can also try our free 7 Day Pilates Challenge or explore our Pilates classes for an extra push. And with these exercises it will be a great workout! Catch you on the wall! 🌟